Warrior Martial Arts

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Get Higher Kicks In One Training Session

The process of getting higher kicks is obviously not something that can simply be achieved in one training session. A combination of stretching and kicking related strength drills are all part of what will help you achieve a good high kick. 

However, I’d like to share a hybrid approach that I like to use in my training to help me really feel results in a shorter period of time. 

Often you’ll hear personal trainers recommending that you should not use static stretches before working out as it can actually limit your output! This is true, but it relates more to the idea of lifting weights and general strength training, where the priority of the session is to challenge your muscles to grow bigger and stronger. 

But as a Martial Artist, our priorities when training differ. More often than not, priority number one is to improve technique. This is where combining stretching not only at the start of a workout, but throughout, can be a great way to improve flexibility and eventually lead to better kicks overall. 

So, let's get down to how it works. Let's say for our example today that you are working on improving your Roundhouse Kick. The way I would set this up during a hybrid session is to put a 1 minute timer on and practice my kicks. Whether this be on pads, a bag or simply shadowing technique. 

Following this minute I will then put a timer on for 2 minutes and work a related stretch position. Take for example, the box split. 

Now neither during my kicks or my stretching am I pushing myself to my limit. In fact I would recommend to work at around 80% of your capacity in both regards. 

I’ll then repeat these rounds 5x over with a 1 minute rest in-between. So a single set might look something like this. 

Hybrid Training/Stretching Example

1 minute Roundhouse Kicks (left leg) > 2 minutes Seated Box Splits > 1 minute rest 

Obviously you could either alternate legs with each round. Or work 3/5 rounds with each leg depending on how much time you have to dedicate to your workout. 

Stretching during your workout in this instance allows you to take advantage of being properly warmed up whilst stretching. I always find that by the last round of a session like this I am kicking comfortably at new heights (all be it a temporary effect of the workout) and getting deeper in my stretches (again temporary).

However, although the results may appear to be temporary, regularly training in this way 1-2 times a week will show more sustainable gains as your body adjusts to the workload. 

Exclaimer - As always all my advice in this blog is anecdotal and based on my own personal experience of training and teaching Martial Arts for over 20 years. Please always consult your Dr when taking part in any kind of new exercise routine.